The Not Perfect Housewife

Don't waste your life cleaning. Do it fast and smooth.

DIY Christmas tree

December 2, 2013
by Bethany Thomson

Christmas Dilemma: Real Or Plastic Tree? Why Not DIY?

“Jingle bells, jingle bells”…Christmas is just around the corner. Don’t know about you, but I’m pretty excited.

Soon, it’ll be all about Christmas decoration, Christmas presents, Christmas holiday…Christmas tree…

The Christmas tree is very important part of the holiday. To decorate it is a real art.

It brings joy not only to the kids, but to all of the family. (Even to the cynical members of it).

But before you decide how to decorate your Christmas tree this year, you should decide which tree to bye: Continue Reading →

Home decor from tires

December 2, 2013
by Bethany Thomson

5 Beautiful Things You Can Make From Flat Tires

Kid's swing from tiresOnce I traveled in a car, driven by a of a friend of mine, when she passed a huge hole on the rode. We shacked and got seriously scared. Fortunately, we were ok. Unfortunately, the result was a flat tire …two tires actually.

I won’t tell you the whole story of how we spend two hours waiting for her boyfriend to come with new tires and change the flat ones. It was a long story. Continue Reading →

Cute shoes

December 2, 2013
by Bethany Thomson

How I Moved My Shoes To My Boyfriend’s Home

High heelsWhen my boyfriend (now husband) asked me to move to his place I was very happy. The only problem was… how to take all my shoes with me.

Remember when Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the city decided to arrange all of her shoes in order not to call Mr. Big? It took her a day. Finally, she called him, but that’s another story. Continue Reading →

Christmas cookies

December 2, 2013
by Bethany Thomson

The Perfect Christmas Cookies – Mission Possible

Christmas cookiesI love Christmas. I’m keen on everything that makes this magical holiday atmosphere – the family dinner, the presents, the Christmas tree, the cookies. Yes, I just love the cookies.

Every year I try to find the best cookies in the city for me and my family. It’s not only important how they taste, but also how they look. I like them in shapes of snowmen, stars, Christmas trees, Santa Claus… I also like beautiful Christmas cookie tiens. I insist that every little detail about Christmas is just perfect. Continue Reading →

Cuddling dogs

December 2, 2013
by Bethany Thomson
1 Comment

Happy Home For Two

You know what people say: “Home is where the heart is”. I totally agree. You can live for years in a place you don’t feel you belong to. Some people search forever to find a place they can call home. But once you find it the fairy tale begins. You just feel you’re in the right place.

And by “place” I don’t mean only the town or city you live in, but the apartment or house. Even if you work a lot and you don’t spend a lot of time there, it’s a place you come to every evening. Continue Reading →

Vintage suitcase

December 2, 2013
by Bethany Thomson

A vintage suitcase – the perfect “home” for your books

Vintage suitcaseIf you go home with somebody and they don’t have books, don’t f*ck them. Do you know that quote? I guess, all of you have at least one book at home, so don’t worry. If you have more than one, the situation becomes even better.

Except of books, I’m sure most of you collect they’re favorite magazine – about fashion, science, business… it doesn’t matter. What matter’s that reading it brings you joy. The only thing that’s not good about having a lot of books or magazines, is that there isn’t enough space to treasure them up. Especially if you live in a small apartment – like me. Continue Reading →