The Not Perfect Housewife

Don't waste your life cleaning. Do it fast and smooth.

February 12, 2020
by Bethany Thomson
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Make Your Cleaning Routine Eco-Friendly & Zero-Waste

eco-friendly-zero-waste-cleaning-routineClimate change is certainly a current trending topic, with high profile activists such as Greta Thunberg calling for eco-friendly changes to be implemented at a governmental and individual level.

In this global warming crisis, it is up to us, the individual, to consider how we can transform our lifestyle. Whether this be regarding the fast fashion we buy, the plastic we use or how much we recycle, there are always steps we can take to reduce our carbon footprint and become more eco-friendly. Continue Reading →


July 10, 2019
by Bethany Thomson
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Property Maintenance Checklist for Landlords Before Tenant Moves in

When it comes to being a landlord, there are numerous obligations to juggle between, and property maintenance is one of them.

Although it would be great if you didn’t have to deal with any repairs or dirty renovations, this simply isn’t the case, as things have their lifespan and are bound to break sooner or later.

In order to avoid getting complaints from your tenants and maintain a habitable property, be sure to check out these five property maintenance tips by Thomsons Cleaning Company: Continue Reading →

oriental rug cleaning tips

April 9, 2019
by Bethany Thomson
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How to Keep Carpets Clean with a Dog

oriental rug cleaning tips

Author: Orin Zebest | Party distribution: Flickr | Source

Keeping a house clean with dogs is difficult, we agree. But what’s worse is keeping your expensive carpet clean with a doggo constantly playing on the rug.

This is why Thomsons Cleaning shares these 7 tips and tricks to make your carpet cleaning easier. With playful, sweaty dogs any carpet would start to smell and soon turn your whole house into a kennel.

However, if you follow these simple methods for carpet cleaning, it will increase the durability of your precious carpet while keeping your house stench and dust free. Continue Reading →

February 1, 2019
by Bethany Thomson
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10 Fascinating Facts About Aga Range Cookers

Classic aga cooker

Aga cookers are a staple of many British homes – and for good reason – they combine fantastic cooking efficiency with a traditional aesthetic that completes any country home.   These cookers have been on Britain’s shores for almost a century and are famed across the country for their reliability and ability to cook the perfect roast dinner!   Continue Reading →

July 5, 2016
by Bethany Thomson

How to Professionally Clean an Area Rug at Home

area rug cleaning

Author: Jessica Spengler | Party attributes: Flickr | Source

Rugs and carpets need a good deep cleaning especially after the winter when they get some rough treatment from the muddy and wet shoes and paws. There is an easy option to deep clean your rugs by hiring professionals to do the job for you. But if you want to save some money, here are some ideas on how to professionally clean an area rug at home: Continue Reading →

July 4, 2016
by Bethany Thomson

How to Take Care of a Wool Rug

wool rug cleaning treatments

Source: Pixabay

The key to keeping your wool rug look bright, beautiful and as good as new for the longest time possible, is to take the appropriate care for it, by cleaning it regularly, deep cleaning it periodically, and knowing how to deal with the different types of stains which inevitably occur in every house. But given the proper care, wool rugs can last for decades. Continue Reading →

June 29, 2016
by Bethany Thomson

How to Clean Stained Wood Floor

wood floor cleaning suggestions

Source: Pixabay

If you are lucky enough to have a wood floor, you must know that in order to keep the floor looking so good, you must take proper and safe care for it. Apart from cleaning it through swiping or vacuuming it with soft brush attachments, you must take care of any spills as soon as possible, so that you avoid staining. Continue Reading →